wow...what a weekend. it'll probably go down in history as the most intense three days ever. the only problem is next weekend will most likely top it.
-Went to school, then got applications for the Apple Store, Paul Frank Store and GameStop at south coast plaza! (Estimated Speed: 30mph
-Drove around afternoon with Mikey and Patrick until picking Matt on the way to Koo's in Long Beach. (Estimated Speed: 20mph)
-At Koo's met up with Rob (bassist of plague of dandelions and all-around goodguy) tried to "work the room" but ended up sticking with people i knew already. <--pathetic
(Estimated Speed: 15mph)
-Bands begin to play, Room gets hot, Pit gets crazy, People get sweaty
(Estimated Speed: 50mph)
-We head home early and try to fall asleep, reminded that i have no one to snuggle next to.
(Estimated Speed:5-0mph)
-I call rachel (best friend but also ex-girlfirend) she wants to see me tomorrow but i might have to hang out with her annoying friend dianne too. typical.
(Estimated Speed: 10mph)
-Patrick calls at 11 waking me before im even close to being prepared to deal with him. "Im really bored, wanna do something?"
"Sure just let me get ready..."
"you wanna call some people, find out whats going on?"
"Yeah, ok"
(Estimated Speed:0-40 in 2 minutes)
-I take a shower and try to call rachel before i commit to doing anything with my friends. she kinda had dibbs. but as usual she doesnt pick up the phone (i dont have a clue what were doing till about 4pm when i try to call her again, yet again typical)
(Estimated Speed: 25mph)
-I give kyle some clothes and a fanny pack to make awesome for me. I was gonna give him $50 up front but he insisted that i pay afterwards. i love that man
(Estimated Speed: 35mph)
-Mikey's house for about an hour then we leave for the smell (tonight was the plot to blow up the eiffel tower) but first i have dinner with my dad and they go and have dinner at C.P.K. The place is fucking packed and Myles is droning on and on about how many people hes going to have sex with (i love the guy but i fucking hate the way he lives or am i just jealous?
He keeps asking me why im so upset tried to cheer me up (see, good guy!) but i was in no position to bring it up and ruin everyones night.
(Estimated Speed: 15mph)
-I talk to Mikey and Patrick about my problems and I feel much better. Then we talk about what we jerk off to. i have the best friends ever.
(Estimated Speed: 40mph)
-Got to The Smell with time to spare. Followed Rob around and met some of his friends
the singer of Le Joshua and Plague of Dandelions) Nick and his G/F Jasmine. I tried talking to this one girl Christine(a?) but she gave me the royal brush-off and i gave her the silent piss-off. Neal and Nathan (anarchist roomates) arrived just in time. Nathan was wearing a Spiderman suit.
(Estimated Speed: 50mph)
-60watt Kid, Human Host, Abe Vigoda
(Estimated Speed: 65mph)
-Plot to Blow Up the Eiffel Tower.
(Estimated Speed: 80mph)
-Dancing, Fighting
(Estimated Speed: 90mph)
-Neal and Nathan climbing up buildings and photographing plants growing out of cement.
(Estimated Speed: 35mph)
-I gave Neal a complaint letter from our management about someone shooting bike bearings into the street. went home, didnt hear from rachel. Called her told her i was lonely. were going to lunch tomorrow.
(Estimated Speed: 25mph)
-Rachel calls at 10:30 for our lunch date. She does like to get a jump on things. Shower. Drive. Wait. I've played this game before.
(Estimated Speed: 20mph)
-We go shopping for shitty jewlery. She steals a ring and then we go to Chilli's. I start talking about why im so down (no lovey dovey attention from her or anyone else) and she says the same thing shes said a million times already, "I love you and i always will, but nows not the right time"
(Estimated Speed: 30mph)
-I meet up with my friend Nicole to shop for my outfit for her homecomming dance. Dale and Patrick come along for the ride. Goodwill. I buy shit She Buys shit. We leave happy.
(Estimated Speed: 45mph)
-I buy an inflatable bee.
(Estimated Speed: 46mph)
-Wait for Mai at Dale's. We get to the Allen theatre right on time.
(Estimated Speed: 35mph)
-They take my gum, the piece of Hi-Chew Mai gave me and my good sketch pen. We find out three of our other friends arrived too late and cant get in. sad.
(Estimated Speed: 20mph)
-Opening bands are pretty good. some guy begs me to come see his band American Conflict. (sounds shitty but their demo is pretty good)
(Estimated Speed: 30mph)
(Estimated Speed: a million fucking miles a second)
-Jerks shoving. Tounge Bit. And No room to dance.
(Estimated Speed: 130mph)
-Saw Mike and Alison (didnt recognize me)
(Estimated Speed: 90mph)
-Mikey tried to slide on the hood of my car and bashed his knee on the side, causing him to fall. (lolBig Surpriselol)
(Estimated Speed: 100mph)
(Estimated Speed: 35mph)
-Drive home, talk to neal about the letter. he thinks the apartment is bugged. asleep by 2:30. i have school at 10.
Next: Apple store job? Self-Portrait? Death From Above? Homecomming (i thought i was done with that shit)? Dance Club with my Auntie?
Stay tuned kids!!!
-Went to school, then got applications for the Apple Store, Paul Frank Store and GameStop at south coast plaza! (Estimated Speed: 30mph
-Drove around afternoon with Mikey and Patrick until picking Matt on the way to Koo's in Long Beach. (Estimated Speed: 20mph)
-At Koo's met up with Rob (bassist of plague of dandelions and all-around goodguy) tried to "work the room" but ended up sticking with people i knew already. <--pathetic
(Estimated Speed: 15mph)
-Bands begin to play, Room gets hot, Pit gets crazy, People get sweaty
(Estimated Speed: 50mph)
-We head home early and try to fall asleep, reminded that i have no one to snuggle next to.
(Estimated Speed:5-0mph)
-I call rachel (best friend but also ex-girlfirend) she wants to see me tomorrow but i might have to hang out with her annoying friend dianne too. typical.
(Estimated Speed: 10mph)
-Patrick calls at 11 waking me before im even close to being prepared to deal with him. "Im really bored, wanna do something?"
"Sure just let me get ready..."
"you wanna call some people, find out whats going on?"
"Yeah, ok"
(Estimated Speed:0-40 in 2 minutes)
-I take a shower and try to call rachel before i commit to doing anything with my friends. she kinda had dibbs. but as usual she doesnt pick up the phone (i dont have a clue what were doing till about 4pm when i try to call her again, yet again typical)
(Estimated Speed: 25mph)
-I give kyle some clothes and a fanny pack to make awesome for me. I was gonna give him $50 up front but he insisted that i pay afterwards. i love that man
(Estimated Speed: 35mph)
-Mikey's house for about an hour then we leave for the smell (tonight was the plot to blow up the eiffel tower) but first i have dinner with my dad and they go and have dinner at C.P.K. The place is fucking packed and Myles is droning on and on about how many people hes going to have sex with (i love the guy but i fucking hate the way he lives or am i just jealous?

He keeps asking me why im so upset tried to cheer me up (see, good guy!) but i was in no position to bring it up and ruin everyones night.
(Estimated Speed: 15mph)
-I talk to Mikey and Patrick about my problems and I feel much better. Then we talk about what we jerk off to. i have the best friends ever.
(Estimated Speed: 40mph)
-Got to The Smell with time to spare. Followed Rob around and met some of his friends

(Estimated Speed: 50mph)
-60watt Kid, Human Host, Abe Vigoda
(Estimated Speed: 65mph)
-Plot to Blow Up the Eiffel Tower.
(Estimated Speed: 80mph)
-Dancing, Fighting
(Estimated Speed: 90mph)
-Neal and Nathan climbing up buildings and photographing plants growing out of cement.
(Estimated Speed: 35mph)
-I gave Neal a complaint letter from our management about someone shooting bike bearings into the street. went home, didnt hear from rachel. Called her told her i was lonely. were going to lunch tomorrow.
(Estimated Speed: 25mph)
-Rachel calls at 10:30 for our lunch date. She does like to get a jump on things. Shower. Drive. Wait. I've played this game before.
(Estimated Speed: 20mph)
-We go shopping for shitty jewlery. She steals a ring and then we go to Chilli's. I start talking about why im so down (no lovey dovey attention from her or anyone else) and she says the same thing shes said a million times already, "I love you and i always will, but nows not the right time"
(Estimated Speed: 30mph)
-I meet up with my friend Nicole to shop for my outfit for her homecomming dance. Dale and Patrick come along for the ride. Goodwill. I buy shit She Buys shit. We leave happy.
(Estimated Speed: 45mph)
-I buy an inflatable bee.
(Estimated Speed: 46mph)
-Wait for Mai at Dale's. We get to the Allen theatre right on time.
(Estimated Speed: 35mph)
-They take my gum, the piece of Hi-Chew Mai gave me and my good sketch pen. We find out three of our other friends arrived too late and cant get in. sad.
(Estimated Speed: 20mph)
-Opening bands are pretty good. some guy begs me to come see his band American Conflict. (sounds shitty but their demo is pretty good)
(Estimated Speed: 30mph)
(Estimated Speed: a million fucking miles a second)
-Jerks shoving. Tounge Bit. And No room to dance.
(Estimated Speed: 130mph)
-Saw Mike and Alison (didnt recognize me)
(Estimated Speed: 90mph)
-Mikey tried to slide on the hood of my car and bashed his knee on the side, causing him to fall. (lolBig Surpriselol)
(Estimated Speed: 100mph)
(Estimated Speed: 35mph)
-Drive home, talk to neal about the letter. he thinks the apartment is bugged. asleep by 2:30. i have school at 10.
Next: Apple store job? Self-Portrait? Death From Above? Homecomming (i thought i was done with that shit)? Dance Club with my Auntie?
Stay tuned kids!!!
Hey man, unravled got us both in SGLA!
wait can you elaborate on that inflatible bee thing?? (yeah that would be the first thing that catches my attention)