So the other night my girlfriend told me she was talking with her Mom , my girlfriend is studying to become a paralegal , her Mom told her to make sure she doesn't move in with me or get Married to me before finsihing school or getting a job, not because she's worried about her getting distracted but because she wants her to find someone better , I have rheumatiod arthuritis and fibromyalsia . She said to her I may be crippled within the next ten years and would she be willing to support me ,to which she promtly said yes . That made me really happy she said that but man her mom is such a bitch .... I can't believe she said that ! I may be in horrible pain but damn I'm a ballroom dance teacher I'm more mobile and active than most people out there
A quick movie recommendation : the haunted world or el super beasto ! crazy awesome and directed by Rob Zombie !
I finally found condoms that fit , its really funny I never realized how they're supposed to fit until now I've been using Trojan magnums , I saw for the first time in CVS Magnum XL and they actually are pretty comfortable still real snug and wont come off but not like choking my cock lol~!
A quick movie recommendation : the haunted world or el super beasto ! crazy awesome and directed by Rob Zombie !
I finally found condoms that fit , its really funny I never realized how they're supposed to fit until now I've been using Trojan magnums , I saw for the first time in CVS Magnum XL and they actually are pretty comfortable still real snug and wont come off but not like choking my cock lol~!

Thanks for the add!

Thanks for the friend request. Sorry to hear about your RA and fibromyalsia, how cool you are a dance teacher though!