My car won't start.
It's not the battery, it's not the alternator. That is the extent of my knowledge, since both have broke in the past. So my crappy old van isn't going anywhere until I find someone who can figure it out. My vehicle is now one big puzzle lying in a marked space. YAY.
Strangely, i'm not that upset about it. I've been sleeping well enough to afford me a sort of clarity on the topic. I don't particularly need the car for anything I have to do, like go to work or get food.
My novel is done. I should mail it out. Hmmm, time show some freaking initiative and find a printer that can spit out 450 pages of manuscript.
It's not the battery, it's not the alternator. That is the extent of my knowledge, since both have broke in the past. So my crappy old van isn't going anywhere until I find someone who can figure it out. My vehicle is now one big puzzle lying in a marked space. YAY.
Strangely, i'm not that upset about it. I've been sleeping well enough to afford me a sort of clarity on the topic. I don't particularly need the car for anything I have to do, like go to work or get food.
My novel is done. I should mail it out. Hmmm, time show some freaking initiative and find a printer that can spit out 450 pages of manuscript.
edit it again