i like the buzz i get when i drink beer. its different from .. ummm... the word is in my head but i can't grab it. drinking other stuff.
yeah, so fuck jobs. bitch.
if they do call me back i'm gonna make them wait like 2 weeks before i answer. no i'm not, because i need to buy ice cream.
oner of my roommaters is gay for the other one and i'm fucking sick of him banging on the door and talking loud as fuck at 9am.
one day i'm gonna start banging on shit at like 3 am and shit and wake them the fuck up.
yeah, so fuck jobs. bitch.
if they do call me back i'm gonna make them wait like 2 weeks before i answer. no i'm not, because i need to buy ice cream.
oner of my roommaters is gay for the other one and i'm fucking sick of him banging on the door and talking loud as fuck at 9am.
one day i'm gonna start banging on shit at like 3 am and shit and wake them the fuck up.
the girls will still hate me, when their boyfriends start hitting on me. muahahaha
i will dress really badly around my kids.. seems to work for all the other moms.