serial killas! We Dont Die! Freaks of the night! We Dont Die! We get high! We Dont Die!...
So last night i went to some lounge. it was a good time. drank a little, danced a little. I think im going to do this lounge thing alot more. it was cold as balls though man. i walked out of the place kinda sweaty and shyt it hits you like a tank with spikes on the front. which is what i want. domination of the road. kinda like that movie with those cars and trucks that came alive and started killing people. kinda lame and stupid. nothing like fight club. love that movie.. and boondock saints!.. i kinda want to see that pitch black 2 movie.. im not a vin fan but i liked the first one... blab blab blab and then we went to the park and there was this dude there and he was like "yo" and i was like " hey" and he was like "umm" so then we flew i kite and i ate a hogie and Barry white came down from the heavens and sung a song and this girls was like "i love you alex" and i was like "oh, umm, yea" THE END
So last night i went to some lounge. it was a good time. drank a little, danced a little. I think im going to do this lounge thing alot more. it was cold as balls though man. i walked out of the place kinda sweaty and shyt it hits you like a tank with spikes on the front. which is what i want. domination of the road. kinda like that movie with those cars and trucks that came alive and started killing people. kinda lame and stupid. nothing like fight club. love that movie.. and boondock saints!.. i kinda want to see that pitch black 2 movie.. im not a vin fan but i liked the first one... blab blab blab and then we went to the park and there was this dude there and he was like "yo" and i was like " hey" and he was like "umm" so then we flew i kite and i ate a hogie and Barry white came down from the heavens and sung a song and this girls was like "i love you alex" and i was like "oh, umm, yea" THE END

I live in Alberta so I like the Edmonton Oilers! F_ck the Toronto Maple Leafs!
I love Korn but I was trying for more of a Dimebag look from Pantera. Planning to dye my goat blood red!