Yeah, so my wireless internet is down again, so I don't spend enough time on here ever to figure out how to access my bookmarks in one big go. Is there even a bookmark page now, since the re-vamp? Because I can't seem to find it. And it's starting to piss me off. HELP!
Weird couple of weeks. My girlfriend is a teacher at my old high school, and there was a retirement party for the principal. So there I am, surrounded in all these old teachers of mine, like 8 years later, drinking with them. It was fucked. Also on the list of happenings:
- Lacklustre AFI concert. I had only seen them at Warped before but they always did a killer set there, so I just expected better. I should have done so and saw them 4 or 5 years ago, apparently. Dillinger Escape Plan fucking deafened me. Retards. "Hey... we suck really hard and we just scream... so let's cover up our suckiness by playing louder than everyone else! Yeah!" Uhh, no, thanks.
- Bought a car. Yeah, that was pretty exciting, didn't sleep very well for a few days thinking about it.
- Started rehearsals for a new show... sort of. The director is a friend of mine who's never directed, only kind of watched me do it in our old company. So communication isn't the greatest, and it doesn't feel very cohesive at the moment, even though there are only 6 of us involved in all. Meh, he'll learn. Hopefully.
And I know there's more, but in fashion true to myself... I forgot already.
Weird couple of weeks. My girlfriend is a teacher at my old high school, and there was a retirement party for the principal. So there I am, surrounded in all these old teachers of mine, like 8 years later, drinking with them. It was fucked. Also on the list of happenings:
- Lacklustre AFI concert. I had only seen them at Warped before but they always did a killer set there, so I just expected better. I should have done so and saw them 4 or 5 years ago, apparently. Dillinger Escape Plan fucking deafened me. Retards. "Hey... we suck really hard and we just scream... so let's cover up our suckiness by playing louder than everyone else! Yeah!" Uhh, no, thanks.
- Bought a car. Yeah, that was pretty exciting, didn't sleep very well for a few days thinking about it.
- Started rehearsals for a new show... sort of. The director is a friend of mine who's never directed, only kind of watched me do it in our old company. So communication isn't the greatest, and it doesn't feel very cohesive at the moment, even though there are only 6 of us involved in all. Meh, he'll learn. Hopefully.
And I know there's more, but in fashion true to myself... I forgot already.

Thanks babe
I wasn't expecting it to happen so quickly either!! Ahh I'm still SO excited 

Thought I'd drop by and say hello!