I am firing on ALLLL my fucking cylinders tonight.
Not a bad weekend, but I am sick as hell and prepared to die. Ive been writing up directions on what to do in the event of my death tonight, but decided I needed a break when I wrote about a near-threesome I had and put it in the section about things I was proud of/high points/things I enjoyed part. And wanted to write about it in detail.
So here I am! To talk about the weekend, and in particular, the Less Than Jake show last night.
Terrible shitty weather last night. The girlfriend and I decided to leave for the show a bit late, in order to possibly miss a shitty opening band. We didnt even know who they were going to be, but were quite sure they would only be of interest to effeminate dudes with plugs, star tattoos and fat girlfriends, as well as broads with two much eyeliner, two belts, and gallons of pudge hanging over their pants.
Basically, the majority of SG members.
And yeah, I was not disappointed with that assumption.
Well, I WAS disappointed, but I was not incorrect.
Less Than Jake has some of the ugliest fucking fans of any band, I gotta tell ya.
But anyway, we managed to miss one opener, and but had to stand through two more destined-for-stardom hunks of steaming crap before LTJ. Some hippy, mop-top, used clothing bullshit where they all looked related, and the other band with some faux-metal, wanna-sound-angry-but-just-come-off-as-spoiled-pussies junk. Im 100% positive that both sets of jackasses would have MySpace accounts. Ohh, the hipsters that love that crap. Who download 3 songs off the internet and suddenly become OMGZ SUPERFANZ!!!1
I like Less Than Jake, though. Theyve been around forever, theyre funny, and they always giveer when theyre putting on a show, and last night was no exception. Their fans, well... theyre something different altogether. For the first bit, I was next to some bouncing blob of a young woman who looked a little something like this:
She flailed about for some time, sweating her ass off. Ohhhh, she stunk so bad. If only she went to more shows and bounced around like that, I thought, maybe she could fit into some clown pants and a studded belt.
There were other various annoyances for the girlfriend and myself (like the inbred retard who was trying to videotape half the show on her crappy digital camera, ohhh, arent there a ton of those at EVERY show anymore?), but after years of shows, I have a good, trained elbow and amazing crowd control skills. I can shift all but the sturdiest of HARDXCORE chumps pretty subtly, and those that dont go willingly but are just TOO enthused, well... if you imitate what theyre doing and elbow them in the face a few times, they usually get the picture.
So anyway... did I have a point?
Not really, I just hope it was an amusing story starring some 'I'm ok, you're ok' PC jackass dickwads masquerading as punk bands, the actress who Sloth from the Goonies' stand-in, and a good Less Than Jake performance.
Well, if anyone bothered to read it, anyway.
Fingers crossed?
Not a bad weekend, but I am sick as hell and prepared to die. Ive been writing up directions on what to do in the event of my death tonight, but decided I needed a break when I wrote about a near-threesome I had and put it in the section about things I was proud of/high points/things I enjoyed part. And wanted to write about it in detail.
So here I am! To talk about the weekend, and in particular, the Less Than Jake show last night.
Terrible shitty weather last night. The girlfriend and I decided to leave for the show a bit late, in order to possibly miss a shitty opening band. We didnt even know who they were going to be, but were quite sure they would only be of interest to effeminate dudes with plugs, star tattoos and fat girlfriends, as well as broads with two much eyeliner, two belts, and gallons of pudge hanging over their pants.
Basically, the majority of SG members.
And yeah, I was not disappointed with that assumption.
Well, I WAS disappointed, but I was not incorrect.
Less Than Jake has some of the ugliest fucking fans of any band, I gotta tell ya.
But anyway, we managed to miss one opener, and but had to stand through two more destined-for-stardom hunks of steaming crap before LTJ. Some hippy, mop-top, used clothing bullshit where they all looked related, and the other band with some faux-metal, wanna-sound-angry-but-just-come-off-as-spoiled-pussies junk. Im 100% positive that both sets of jackasses would have MySpace accounts. Ohh, the hipsters that love that crap. Who download 3 songs off the internet and suddenly become OMGZ SUPERFANZ!!!1

I like Less Than Jake, though. Theyve been around forever, theyre funny, and they always giveer when theyre putting on a show, and last night was no exception. Their fans, well... theyre something different altogether. For the first bit, I was next to some bouncing blob of a young woman who looked a little something like this:

She flailed about for some time, sweating her ass off. Ohhhh, she stunk so bad. If only she went to more shows and bounced around like that, I thought, maybe she could fit into some clown pants and a studded belt.

There were other various annoyances for the girlfriend and myself (like the inbred retard who was trying to videotape half the show on her crappy digital camera, ohhh, arent there a ton of those at EVERY show anymore?), but after years of shows, I have a good, trained elbow and amazing crowd control skills. I can shift all but the sturdiest of HARDXCORE chumps pretty subtly, and those that dont go willingly but are just TOO enthused, well... if you imitate what theyre doing and elbow them in the face a few times, they usually get the picture.
So anyway... did I have a point?
Not really, I just hope it was an amusing story starring some 'I'm ok, you're ok' PC jackass dickwads masquerading as punk bands, the actress who Sloth from the Goonies' stand-in, and a good Less Than Jake performance.
Well, if anyone bothered to read it, anyway.
Fingers crossed?
I did have a good night that night though