Tuesday Dec 03, 2002 Dec 3, 2002 0 Facebook Tweet Email Can't fit my pic!!! I'm damn terrible with electronics. More of a beer an' nature kinda' guy. Check my site if ya even care to see me. I'm disco. HTTP://alienteeth.tripod.com VIEW 3 of 3 COMMENTS froggy: yeah, 3rd acr. i cook the chow. someone let me fire a tank at the last gunnery. that shit was pretty cool. you are a driver huh? what's that like? Dec 10, 2002 emperor_tane: I have a buddy in Ft. Carson. He is an NBC NCO for some company there. He hates it, Ha! I told him not to re-enlist.. Tane Dec 13, 2002
someone let me fire a tank at the last gunnery. that shit was pretty cool.
you are a driver huh? what's that like?