I think this shall be a fairly decent film...
another quiet weekend yay... not
Last night i had the company of a friend and her young son and witnessed the 1st Harry Potter though the eyes and reactions of a 5 year old the wonder of the movie eclipsed all of the other times i have watched it ... well all but one .. but we were not really watching anything that time.. oh yeah back to the story.
The little man upon choosing the nights entertainment from my shelves demanded the remote and instructed us we could talk after the movie and to be quiet as he was trying to watch lol
Watching a small child cheer on heroes hide behind his mother or myself from voldermort ( the mountain troll didn't faze him . and he corrected me when i said he is just like shrek.. no regan shrek is an ogre ) put a smile on my face and i found myself watching him watch the movie more then watching the movie itself.
Making train noises when the hogwarts express leave the station warmed my heart
Although I have been single and lonely I have always had great friends around me but after last night i have to say i think i have been reminded what that hollow part in my life is .. the fact that i always wanted children .. even from an early age .. well about 16 or 17 it was something i looked forward to . noted things i would do different to my parents in raising them .. although i must admit apart from not seeing them that much due to work my folks did a damn fine job .. both my sister and i turned out fine.
weird feeling in my chest ( and no its not the left over indian i had for dinner) and a mind that is just racing like crazy... damn you harry potter

the desire to find some one settle down and have kids is totally there .... and then i watched this trailer today

You always find the WEIRD shit!!
Kids are so cute - well some are anyway. We have the twin thing in our family and guess who is in line for that one.
It's been a while since I've heard you speak of it though...
Movie - it's not very appealing, but I'm interested enough that I might see it.