went to see KNOCKED UP today and it was sold out ... and we ended up with greg.. WTF!!
so moving to greener pastures .. yard covered deck security screens alarm .. machine gun turret.. okay so the last one aint part of the new house package .. but one can dream...
no sand pit .. but thats okay cause pat said he was going to make us one.. and if he does not come good on this .. retribution will be a bitch.
oh and to the lady that wanted to know how good the burger was that greg ate .. this was the first burger that the shop made on their 1st day open

tasty as hell but took 3 months off my life
been quiet of late as have had alot on mind but most of tat has lifted now.. some minor shit .. but that will have to be for the next couple of months till i see what happens at work
12 days till day session on arm.. counting down has begun
sick of packing ..
wish group certificate was here already i want refund already dammit!
harry potter on wednesday night.. yeah yeah that makes me gay apparently in some peoples books but bite me
bring on friday already dammit
and here is this end of financial years wish list

but i need a time machine for it so i will have to make do with

and this is running level with mazda 3 mps .. possibly beating it .. test drive will sort that out though
edited to say please shoot me .. i dont look at my favorite artists page for 2 weeks and she releases 3 new prints and they sell out in 2 days.. this sucks one of the prints was a favorite too
so moving to greener pastures .. yard covered deck security screens alarm .. machine gun turret.. okay so the last one aint part of the new house package .. but one can dream...
no sand pit .. but thats okay cause pat said he was going to make us one.. and if he does not come good on this .. retribution will be a bitch.

oh and to the lady that wanted to know how good the burger was that greg ate .. this was the first burger that the shop made on their 1st day open

tasty as hell but took 3 months off my life

been quiet of late as have had alot on mind but most of tat has lifted now.. some minor shit .. but that will have to be for the next couple of months till i see what happens at work
12 days till day session on arm.. counting down has begun
sick of packing ..
wish group certificate was here already i want refund already dammit!
harry potter on wednesday night.. yeah yeah that makes me gay apparently in some peoples books but bite me
bring on friday already dammit

and here is this end of financial years wish list

but i need a time machine for it so i will have to make do with

and this is running level with mazda 3 mps .. possibly beating it .. test drive will sort that out though

edited to say please shoot me .. i dont look at my favorite artists page for 2 weeks and she releases 3 new prints and they sell out in 2 days.. this sucks one of the prints was a favorite too

I love her art especially this pic