things that have been said to me over that last 6 months that have stuck in my mind
*sorry man i forgot to bring your Dr pepper back
*oh god i was wrong we shouldn't have come on this we are all going to die
*I hate you
*sorry i tried to cross into your compartmentalized life.-
*I can see myself settling down with some one just like you.. just not you
*nice to finally meet you... ahh wait we have met before haven't we?

june.. how loathe you! bills up to the wazoo moving stuff looming ( but yay at same time) every ones bdays
a couple of gigs , seeing friends i aint seen in a while .. one thats been over seas for a year.. one that lives in emerald with 3 ex girlfriend that is coming down for 2 gigd and staying with me... looking forward to seeing her and kinda weirded out at same time one can only see

i think it will be stews and soups for a while with all the bills and rego due.. but thats not a bad thing at all

great i change te profile pic last night and all of a sudden i have no profile information .. cheers sg
*sorry man i forgot to bring your Dr pepper back

*oh god i was wrong we shouldn't have come on this we are all going to die

*I hate you

*sorry i tried to cross into your compartmentalized life.-
*I can see myself settling down with some one just like you.. just not you

*nice to finally meet you... ahh wait we have met before haven't we?

june.. how loathe you! bills up to the wazoo moving stuff looming ( but yay at same time) every ones bdays
a couple of gigs , seeing friends i aint seen in a while .. one thats been over seas for a year.. one that lives in emerald with 3 ex girlfriend that is coming down for 2 gigd and staying with me... looking forward to seeing her and kinda weirded out at same time one can only see

i think it will be stews and soups for a while with all the bills and rego due.. but thats not a bad thing at all

great i change te profile pic last night and all of a sudden i have no profile information .. cheers sg
go banksy..... just sweep a few more things under the carpet noone will notice.
i hope that pacman wall is what our new bathroom will look like. either checkers or that or im leaving, with a brandy snifter in a huff buddy!