saw science of sleep with a couple of friends tonight... great movie enjoyed it and had more than a few good laughs during it.. if your in brissy and can see it this week its still playing out at the portside dendy*

Thursday and Saturday nights i tried to go see pirates 3 with no luck .. friday it was an option as i finished work early.. but ended up drinking with a buddy

back to pirates though.. both nights all sessions were sold out this morning i managed to get into 1st session of madness at southbank ( hey its cheap)...and gt a decent seat and settled in .. then a swarm of 11 yr olds made camp around me.. thats when i should have left .. i found the movie lacking and weak.. brief moments i was impressed by either a visual or something small .. however sadly it did as much for me as the little bitch beside me that played with her phone and kicked and elbowed me.. i hope they dont try milking that cow again

20 mins after the movie a got the worst migraine i have had in years and came home and ate panadol soaked in tub and crawled into bed to cure it.. sadly that didn't work .. house mate came and gave me drugs that worked

well its raining and i do love watching the rain and falling asleep so i am out of here hope you all had a good week end and this week coming don't suck balls

that had me laughing