no leo he aint a woman trust me!
Dir en grey obscure clip
Dir en grey; the final clip
big thanks to illixit for shoving them in my face and getting me hooked
and a song i just cant get out of my head at the moment on nightshift .. thank god for my ipod
Dir en grey dead tree clip
missed xmen tree i was too stuffed to make the 10 am session the extra 2 hours sleep was much needed
due to an unrealistic time frame laid down by head office we possibly wont have lift ready by the time they stated to the builder ... managements solution?... you guys working night shift sat and sunday now! yay for us.. we aint working sat tho as horse and i have things on . me i have my uncles suprise birthday and then my old house mates going away party before he fucks off around the globe
i just want to go to the movies dammit.. im wind burnt and lips are chaffed from the draft that gets pulled up the shaft while roping a lift.. feels like entire face has been rubbed over with sandpaper
Dir en grey kodou

Dir en grey obscure clip
Dir en grey; the final clip
big thanks to illixit for shoving them in my face and getting me hooked
and a song i just cant get out of my head at the moment on nightshift .. thank god for my ipod
Dir en grey dead tree clip
missed xmen tree i was too stuffed to make the 10 am session the extra 2 hours sleep was much needed
due to an unrealistic time frame laid down by head office we possibly wont have lift ready by the time they stated to the builder ... managements solution?... you guys working night shift sat and sunday now! yay for us.. we aint working sat tho as horse and i have things on . me i have my uncles suprise birthday and then my old house mates going away party before he fucks off around the globe
i just want to go to the movies dammit.. im wind burnt and lips are chaffed from the draft that gets pulled up the shaft while roping a lift.. feels like entire face has been rubbed over with sandpaper
Dir en grey kodou
If you find it, let me know!
How are you feeling now? i know you were feeling a bit down a few updates ago. xx