union rally at 12 tomorrow at roma street forum
10 minutes before the end of work today we were notified by our company that if we attend we are in breach of the new laws and they ( the company i work for) will sue each indiviual worker to the sum of 6 thousand dollars for withdrawing our labour
if we dont go to work and have a sickie we need a medical certificate .. but will not be paid for it due to the nature of the day
the goverment here is fucked ! vote the pricks out!
10 minutes before the end of work today we were notified by our company that if we attend we are in breach of the new laws and they ( the company i work for) will sue each indiviual worker to the sum of 6 thousand dollars for withdrawing our labour
if we dont go to work and have a sickie we need a medical certificate .. but will not be paid for it due to the nature of the day
the goverment here is fucked ! vote the pricks out!
(by the way, I waz laffing at you harrassing the chicks in the park dressed as zombies. hehehee.)