Work work work work.
Got my hours down for a little bit this two weeks. Only pulled in 100 hours past two week
Thats good considering the usual 130+ :\ I fucking hate not having techs. One of em I might have to let go before he shoots up the place..... Bah oh well least the pays good. Plus you can't beat the feeling you get from setting up a server knowing that someday, it will house either pr0n of some sort or a spam database >.<
Heres to you internets!!!

May you bring me closer to my beloved TSX
Other than that my sleep is fluctuating again
I find it nearly 6 am and having to get up in a few... I dislike thriving on caffeine but it will have to do.
Zombie mode go!
Got my hours down for a little bit this two weeks. Only pulled in 100 hours past two week

Heres to you internets!!!

May you bring me closer to my beloved TSX
Other than that my sleep is fluctuating again

I find it nearly 6 am and having to get up in a few... I dislike thriving on caffeine but it will have to do.
Zombie mode go!
uhauahuahauhaahu perhaps 

i function only with the aid of monster energy drink, i feel 'ya.