My how this site has changed. Don't know if like. o_O
Time to go explore I suppose!
OooOO someone gifted me a 3 month sub! =D
<3 you mystery person!!
<3 you mystery person!!

Well its 4:30 and I got done delivering a batch of servers from my California King sized waterbed via laptop. GOD I love this thing. Its wave less too... but thats not the point. ITS FUCKING 4:30 AM. I finally caught some freaking zzz's and my boss calls about 1 AM saying that I need to get out this clients stuff... bah.
Oh well on...
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Oh well on...
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so long no seen! how are you doing there?
have a nice weekend!

have a nice weekend!
ehehehehh thanks
i uploaded the whole mini set of pics in the hopeful section.. no aim to go on the homepage with those but they're so fun ehheheheheheheh
have a nice week!

have a nice week!
Work work work work.
Got my hours down for a little bit this two weeks. Only pulled in 100 hours past two week
Thats good considering the usual 130+ :\ I fucking hate not having techs. One of em I might have to let go before he shoots up the place..... Bah oh well least the pays good. Plus you can't beat the feeling you...
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Got my hours down for a little bit this two weeks. Only pulled in 100 hours past two week

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uhauahuahauhaahu perhaps 

i function only with the aid of monster energy drink, i feel 'ya.
Was watching The Fifth Element the other day & I got a tad bit sad. It was during the part where Korben Dallas goes to see the Diva sing at the opera. The backdrop was of the planet Fhloston and right about there I started feeling down. I realized that I wouldn't be able to see a sight such as that in this lifetime. I...
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I was in New Hampshire visiting a friend at school...and I looked up at the sky...
I was AMAZED. Even in "wooded" areas in CT, you can't see the sky like you can in a small town in NH.
I can only imagine the sky in Alaska...
I was AMAZED. Even in "wooded" areas in CT, you can't see the sky like you can in a small town in NH.
I can only imagine the sky in Alaska...
working at an SEO company gets me down, I'm supposed to be in charge of content, meaning translating, writing and such... but sometimes I need to do other stuff, and it's that other stuff that gets me down
and by the way, you should go outside of the city, enjoy the world.

and by the way, you should go outside of the city, enjoy the world.
Went to Houston over the past weekend. Had fun I suppose. Highlight was seeing the Rangers play the Astros. They were up in the series but they decided that their bats weren't going to work that night... Next damn day they win 12-1 to take the series. Oh how fun it would of been to be a drunk badgering the entire stadium of Astros fans!!!...
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actually, there was dirt inside.
Well I got a promotion at work. I suppose you could call it that heh. My manager left to another department, which I don't blame him pay increase n such, leaving me alone with two people for 24/7 coverage!!! It doesn't work let me tell ya that! I'll be interim manager in his wake. Not bad on paper I suppose but I've been working my...
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So go fishing. Haha.
Congrats on the promo! You'll suffer through it.
Hey, I might just come with you to buy a new cam. Maybe we can get a two-fer? The prices on these babies are shocking...
Hey, I might just come with you to buy a new cam. Maybe we can get a two-fer? The prices on these babies are shocking...
Bad weathers afoot!! D:
Was out with the coworkers when a tornado warning hit!! Luckily I was indoors. I looked outside of the building and noticed people running inside. Figured it was a tad odd but then I saw why. It was starting to rain rather hard & suddenly the sun was not shining as brightly as it should. Within the span of oh 10...
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Was out with the coworkers when a tornado warning hit!! Luckily I was indoors. I looked outside of the building and noticed people running inside. Figured it was a tad odd but then I saw why. It was starting to rain rather hard & suddenly the sun was not shining as brightly as it should. Within the span of oh 10...
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To answer your question, yes I know her. Thanks for the comment.
Wow, thats definatly a scary thing. I used to live in Calgary Canada and believe it or not it is actually in the top part of tornado alley and I had to evacuate an area one time because they said it was on it's way.

hey, nice racks!
ok, so now you need to tell me how to go about making my own little chainsaw guys.

Have you ever felt like you could save something from a terrible fate but just because you didn't try hard enough your actions cost greatly? It seems sometimes that I can feel the world around me and still it's not possible to feel its pain...... A hollow feeling that leaves you a tad lonely and scared. It draws emotions that I haven't felt before in...
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as in next year i mean from now til it hits next year... haha
yeah iv tried like 50 billion times! blah! stupid things. ganga!!!!!! <---------eaisly preoccupied! ^_^