I'm back that was a long trip.There were a lot of tornup places. but there rebuilding and tring to make life what it was before the distruction happend. I wish i had a scanner to put up the pictures that I took while I was out there. but there is no real good way to discribe the mess the storm left that place unless you see it first hand. It's realy sad to that many people just lost now because they have nothing. one of the people on my crew has famly out there. the only thing he wanted to do a first was to see if they had a home to go back to luckly they do, but its going to be a lot of work for them to move back in.there were other soldiers that coludn't even see if ther was a place to start for there familes because there were areas that were still closed off or still flooded. even when we were leaving I'm glad that i got to go and help where I could
I lost my cell phone some where out there and had to get a new one but i guess it's ok cuz i got a phone with cool stuff on it
I lost my cell phone some where out there and had to get a new one but i guess it's ok cuz i got a phone with cool stuff on it

are you serious.. cuz Im going to want to die!!!!???