Thursday Nov 23, 2006 Nov 22, 2006 0 Facebook Tweet Email Happy Thanks Giving, Stuff yourself and sleep well. damitrammit: Had a long day of Paving (Asphalt) Needed two more truck loads to finish, Will have to se if we can get them tomorrow. Have to finish packing up my stuff so I can be ready if they say hop on the plane. Going to sleep good tonight. Tonight would be the perfect night to have a cool beer and relax but can't Still have a cold that I can't seem to get rid of. Wonder if I have developed alergies here. Nov 25, 2006
Have to finish packing up my stuff so I can be ready if they say hop on the plane.
Going to sleep good tonight. Tonight would be the perfect night to have a cool beer and relax but can't
Still have a cold that I can't seem to get rid of. Wonder if I have developed alergies here.