SOOOOO Monday i quit my job. It was long over due. My co-worker also quit so the company is pretty much fucked since we were the only shop workers there and the only ones that knew what the fuck we were doing. All the bullshit just got tiresome. The lies, empty promises, and lack of responsibiltie in on the management side ( it doesnt take 3 fucken months to order tape measures dumbass) I feel bad for my other co-worker cause now she has to deal with all the crap since see left. Also since i left... well i mean i took something that was key to making some of the parts
(a tool i had made for them). They don't want to appreciate what we do then fuck them. I made sure i got rid of every little tool that we made. Let them figure out how to do there own shit. How is it that a CEO of a company doesn't know how to make his own product anymore. Ah well, let them sleep in there shit coverd bed that that they made. Think we're only worth minume wage FUCK YOU RANDY!!!!