I love HDTV it just so much better. My brother bought one a week ago and we just got it yesterday. Its just so clear now and vibrant. I love it. Its been making my week better considering I've been having more car problems (electrical) and still job less, but i do have a second interview for the security officer at the hospital but thats...
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Nice. I bought one two days ago. Should arrive next Wednesday. Just in time for the new Halo 3 maps!
I bought one for the Halo launch and love the hell out of it. It makes a HUGE difference.
well this was a good weekend... just got to relax and have a few drinks. helped out my dad with the patio saturday and sunday... and a few drinks on friday. now we start a whole new week. Hope everyone had a good weekend.

update... April 7,2008 @ 2251hrs

Chainsaws are FUN biggrin biggrin that is all biggrin biggrin
Great, how have you been? I'm diggin the mohawk.
1 week has gone by since i quit... and it still feels good. I've been getting the sleep i have been lacking for a long time and i had an interview today for a hospital security job. Everything is looking good. Hope everyone is having a great week.
Back in California for two years and have not gone to the beach! That is just crazy!!!! I suggest you get in your car and drive there like.. right now. Haha. Hope you get the new job!
SOOOOO Monday i quit my job. It was long over due. My co-worker also quit so the company is pretty much fucked since we were the only shop workers there and the only ones that knew what the fuck we were doing. All the bullshit just got tiresome. The lies, empty promises, and lack of responsibiltie in on the management side ( it doesnt take...
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I quit my job.... i had enought of there bull and empty promises
yikes!... blackeyed

at least your away from the crap!.. biggrin
I dont want to go to work blackeyed Work sucks and mondays suck
Work Drama Work Drama Work Drama... so we have this new rule at work if you have headphones on you get sent home. well we don't give a fuck and my co-worker got sent home.... BUT he has no car SO i was already pretty much off so he asked me for a ride BUT the days orders weren't done SO they asked me to...
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haha, yeah, i do like shellfish...
but alas, i cannot eat it.... frown
Thank you for the testimonial that you left me.
Got Damn the weekend flew by way to fast. I hope everyone one had a fun and/or relaxing weekend. It just went by way to fast for me. and now its a monday frown blackeyed I got to see Doomsday sunday. It was a pretty good movie. some nice action scenes and what not. If you going to see it i'd say go for matnee. I also...
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thank you for the positive thoughts..
i hope things do get better, im seeing the doctor at 3...
hopefully he can fix me... blush

lol, sorry. I was too wrapped in Rainbow Six: Vegas.
so i called in yester cause i was sick and was happy cause i didn't have to do inventory...... but.... when i got back no one in the shop did inventory so i still had to do it so i fell behind in my work. I got nothing done. Is it so hard for the new fucking manger to do inventory. Got damn lazy ass....
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no bueno....
hope you feel better...
and boo to lazy bosses!...

thank you for the support on my set!!... kiss
Sick puke well only technically... i feel ok but i used it as an excuse to call into work. i didnt want to do inventory wink i feel ok... i just took a few shots of Jose and my sore throat felt better. biggrin Hope everyone is having a good week.
Getting sick frown blackeyed puke
dont get sick!!! puke

and i have no idea how i sat like that...
i kept standing, then sitting, then getting antsy... lol
how's everyone. man this was a fast weekend. didnt do much but i had fun. got to go to Pine Flat today with the family and spend time wih friends on saturday. i hope everyone had a great weekend.... but the weekend is over and it's time to go back to work frown hope all of you have a great week
thankies!... smile

boo to work!! blackeyed