It's been a while since my last blog. But glad to say I'm in a better place now and feeling alot more positive about most things.Work has been the usual busy bullshit think it's time to have at look a doing something else. Been spending quite alot of time down south (Bristol) Sorting out a new piece of graffiti which is always therapy for me. Also an update on the coaching job I was offered for the paintball team( mentioned it in my last blog)I decided against it thought about it and it's not good to go back too anything that was such a passion after leaving 3 years ago.And all the shit that was happening in the industry when I left has only got worse. So decided not too tarnish the memories and experiences of that life.Still waiting on my unorganised tattoo artist to come back with my design which is wearing a bit thin now, I'm impatient which is one of my faults if it's something i want I wanted it yesterday,and I know it's not the attitude too adopt when it comes to something as permanent as a tattoo.Also yesterday I went with Killa_ to see my first roller derby bout.It took place at Leeds Uni,Leeds Vs Birmingham I can honestly say it was awesome. It reminded me of paintball tournaments just because it's a sport that has a culture and is not mainstream in anyway. And the added bonus of really hot girls in skates pushing each other over SCORE!!!!!!!! Anyway that's about all I have to report. Hope you people are ok.

most of the time you are aces. however this symbol ---> :o) or :o( when you send it to my phone, it shows up as a guy with sunglasses on, and then a bracket... So when you are trying to express sadness to me in a text message - it just looks like you at laughing at my pain!! ha ha - I suppose this makes you aces too.