So its thursday already and things are starting to look a little better .Spoke to Killa_ on the phone she is one of my best friends and makes things a bit easier..I have been living as a hermit this week shut away in my room catching up with some reading and film viewing.Im in the middle of a Isaac Asimov and Peter F Hamilton binge as far as books go.If any of you guys are in to Sci Fi authors check out Hamilton that man is sooooo dark!!As far as films go been watching lots of asian horror,It seems its Asian stuff that is pushing the envelope for that genre of film.Oh and as usual music has been my everything this week,I have started using my IPod at work now A. because i adore music and B. it cuts out the innane rambling bollocks of the twat i work with SCORE!!!!! So this week old Korn albums a plenty,The Mars Volta, At The Drive In,As usual The Doors and a sprikle of Jimi Hendrix ooooppppsssss nearly forgot Janis Joplin as well..Also this week i have been offered a coaching spot for a paintball team which is a bitch because i kinda gave up on all the bollocks and politics that is paintball a while ago..Frickin hate decisions
Probably say no not sure i could get the time off work needed to do it anyway.Also on the count down to the Doncaster Tattoo Convention its a while till it happens but still super excited about going!!!!

It's pretty much my favorite animal. It's like a lion and a tiger mixed... bred for its skills in magic.