I fricking hate working away I'm currently stuck in a piss hole hotel somewhere south of fucksville with chavy work mates. It's not like I can escape either nowhere to go London is 30 mins away by tube but it's too late too go now. Since work finished I went too a ladbrokes with the chav legion they then played loads of pool then sat silently through hollyoakes called the girls in that show well fit!!!!!!,Then I went and hid in the shower as long as humanly possible to be then greated by fucking emerdale. Makes me realise how cool my friends are back home. At least I'm back Thursday night, killa_ better come up with something cool to do over the weekend or I will stick my thumb in her eye
Yup! Ages ago now....So glad you joined SG!! xx
That doesn't sound like much fun, I know what it's like when you're stuck working with mouthbreathers and morons.