Just thought id blog a little about myself for people who stumble across my profile,,You may or may not be interested but im cool either way...
My name is Damian i grew up in a very small town in the middle of england, You know the kind of place that still holds witch hunts on a Sunday
I grew up around people that followed the trends of life and guess i never really fitted into the whole he is wearing this so i better do too or i will be laughed at..At fifteen i ended up falling into the rave scene which lead to drugs mainly speed and E,Which then delivered all the joyous side effects i.e constantly paranoid,Lack of sleep, etc etc,, I was into that for a few years but as with alot of people in that scene i kinda moved on..
So after the whole rave scene thing came bad people to hang out with and stupid decisions until i met a guy who opened my eyes to a whole different life of extreme sports,The first real thing i ever got into in this world was dirt bikes and the sub culture of freestyle motorcross and skateboarding,It was amazing to have an outlet and be able to get a buzz without eating something from dodgy dave from around the way,,After a couple of years of doing both sports i met a guy through other friends who introduced me to competition paintball (not the whole roll around in the dirt covered in camo) Paintball has a massive following all over the world and is still not seen by many people outside of the life(if your at all interested have a look at NPPL or PSP paintball on you tube)I travelled the length and breadth of europe for many weekend for many years consumed by this sport and its awesome sub culture,,It afforded me many amazing experiences and made me some of the best friends anyone could ever want,But after 13 years of being involved as a player,,Ref and also team owner and coach the whole paintball thing blew up in my face for many reasons so i turned my back on it..
And here we are now present day joined SG a few days ago for the simple reason its pretty much everything im into,,Oh and the added bonus one of my best friends ever Killa_ is on here and as im sure she well confirm im good at taking the piss
Believe me she knows
So if you did read to the bottom then you should probably question why ha ha
My name is Damian i grew up in a very small town in the middle of england, You know the kind of place that still holds witch hunts on a Sunday

So after the whole rave scene thing came bad people to hang out with and stupid decisions until i met a guy who opened my eyes to a whole different life of extreme sports,The first real thing i ever got into in this world was dirt bikes and the sub culture of freestyle motorcross and skateboarding,It was amazing to have an outlet and be able to get a buzz without eating something from dodgy dave from around the way,,After a couple of years of doing both sports i met a guy through other friends who introduced me to competition paintball (not the whole roll around in the dirt covered in camo) Paintball has a massive following all over the world and is still not seen by many people outside of the life(if your at all interested have a look at NPPL or PSP paintball on you tube)I travelled the length and breadth of europe for many weekend for many years consumed by this sport and its awesome sub culture,,It afforded me many amazing experiences and made me some of the best friends anyone could ever want,But after 13 years of being involved as a player,,Ref and also team owner and coach the whole paintball thing blew up in my face for many reasons so i turned my back on it..
And here we are now present day joined SG a few days ago for the simple reason its pretty much everything im into,,Oh and the added bonus one of my best friends ever Killa_ is on here and as im sure she well confirm im good at taking the piss

So if you did read to the bottom then you should probably question why ha ha
being referred to as 'one of my best friends ever' before having my morning cup of tea is pretty awesome. 
