Hey people it's been a couple of weeks since I last wrote, been stupid busy, but I'm currently sat in the work van in my way too York, so thought I'd blog....
The last two weeks I have been working away near clacton on sea it's was so cool to live by the sea for a couple of weeks my hotel looked straight out over...
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The last two weeks I have been working away near clacton on sea it's was so cool to live by the sea for a couple of weeks my hotel looked straight out over...
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Hey sweetie, when you going to update?! You and Amber fancy coming to stay with us soon? Be great to see you both xx
Hey man what you up to? Not long 'til I can astound you with my manly appetite.
It's been a while since my last blog. But glad to say I'm in a better place now and feeling alot more positive about most things.Work has been the usual busy bullshit think it's time to have at look a doing something else. Been spending quite alot of time down south (Bristol) Sorting out a new piece of graffiti which is always therapy for me....
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most of the time you are aces. however this symbol ---> :o) or :o( when you send it to my phone, it shows up as a guy with sunglasses on, and then a bracket... So when you are trying to express sadness to me in a text message - it just looks like you at laughing at my pain!! ha ha - I suppose this makes you aces too.
So its thursday already and things are starting to look a little better .Spoke to Killa_ on the phone she is one of my best friends and makes things a bit easier..I have been living as a hermit this week shut away in my room catching up with some reading and film viewing.Im in the middle of a Isaac Asimov and Peter F Hamilton binge...
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It's pretty much my favorite animal. It's like a lion and a tiger mixed... bred for its skills in magic.
Things have been getting on top of me lately so I did what helps this weekend and took part in some snowboardie goodness,When I go riding it takes my mind off of all the shit that I have been dealing with. The only problem with it is that the shit comes back soon as soon as I leave the slope so it's a false safety...
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There isn't much I can say on your blog that I haven't said already... I love you loads, and I am here for you for whatever you need - whenever you need it.
Life is how you make it my friend. It is good to remember the good times you had with your friend and it is a blessing for him to remember him 12 years after his passing.
Pretty much a state of mind. To some, life is filled with problems and curses while others it is filled with opportunities and blessings. It is all within your head my friend.
Pretty much a state of mind. To some, life is filled with problems and curses while others it is filled with opportunities and blessings. It is all within your head my friend.
So its 4:22 am and im awake and about to go get ready for work.Back in london again with the Oxygen theifs..Not gonna rant again about the people i work with think i did enough of that in my last blog.Had another cool weekend went shopping saturday which was cool,Got me some new clothes and added to the trainer collection !SCORE!.Also went too see Kick...
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You make a good point Coronation Street and East Enders could drain the life out of anyone.
As depressing as it is I think you're probably right, there's nothing worse than realising you're doing the same thing at the same time that you were doing the same day the week before and before that.
I fricking hate working away I'm currently stuck in a piss hole hotel somewhere south of fucksville with chavy work mates. It's not like I can escape either nowhere to go London is 30 mins away by tube but it's too late too go now. Since work finished I went too a ladbrokes with the chav legion they then played loads of pool then sat...
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Yup! Ages ago now....So glad you joined SG!! xx
That doesn't sound like much fun, I know what it's like when you're stuck working with mouthbreathers and morons.
Another Weekend gone!!
So another weekend over with and it's was sooo much fun Friday night one of my best friends got slapped by a crazy girl who was trying to chat him up, only problem with the situation was he is gay and kinda fancied her brother,,guess some people take rejection worse than others!! Saturday started in typical fashion a completely random text from...
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So another weekend over with and it's was sooo much fun Friday night one of my best friends got slapped by a crazy girl who was trying to chat him up, only problem with the situation was he is gay and kinda fancied her brother,,guess some people take rejection worse than others!! Saturday started in typical fashion a completely random text from...
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My own bodyweight? The cheek of it! Was good to meet you too squire. Nottingham's far more entertaining than Leeds, where else can you see Willy Wonka with Umpa Lumpas encouraging someone to vomit, A cowboy hat wearing ratburger vendor and a horde of spindly limbed blonde bints in ridiculous heels trying to give a statue a blowjob in the space of an hour.
I fucking hate monkeys - they are creepy!!!!!!
I tried to find pictures of the lady garden that had been sucked on and it had gone massive red and shiney - but got dragged into a world of seedy porn and grandmothers.. damn you.
I tried to find pictures of the lady garden that had been sucked on and it had gone massive red and shiney - but got dragged into a world of seedy porn and grandmothers.. damn you.
AAAAAAAAAAarrrrggggghhhhhhhh is it really only thursday? I woke up thinking it was friday fucking hate it when that happens..Also need to stop waking up at stupid o'clock excited about something but then forgetting what it is mmmmmmmm guessing it cant be great or i would know what it is anyways better take my ass too work...
how do you know the sofa doesn't look like the matrix?! Have you even looked closely?!
Thanks for the birthday wishes. I really appreciate them. Damn stupid o'clock. You get that hour over there too?
For most, it's an hour before work isn't it? And it is anyday.
For most, it's an hour before work isn't it? And it is anyday.
So this week seems to be all about the music which makes me super happy..as always my old ipod has risen from the drawer and im re-discovering old albums which is awesome,,Kinda strange how it seems to have i feeling of its own when you flick through your music and come across something forgotten but amazing..But as for new bands in my life
From First...
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From First...
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That's from one of my fave bands (and my most listened song on my ipod - around 50 times I think!!!) - although its not the original mix which has somehow dissapeared from youtube. Which is a shame, as the video contained lightening, guitars and some girl in an over sized denim jacket dancing around in a circle... Similar to my moves I feel.
That's from one of my fave bands (and my most listened song on my ipod - around 50 times I think!!!) - although its not the original mix which has somehow dissapeared from youtube. Which is a shame, as the video contained lightening, guitars and some girl in an over sized denim jacket dancing around in a circle... Similar to my moves I feel.
I am just begining to see how much this site has to ofer. You could get lost in here!
Another weekend gone and lots of stuff done Saturday was cool went too the tattoo studio with Killa_ for her consultation which rocked because I will be using the same artist so was good too go and see the place and meet the people there, kinda makes me less nervous about going for my consultation this Saturday,Since Saturday afternoon I have been in Bristol visiting...
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Well that's more entertaining than my weekend which consisted of not going to the cinema after my friend realised she was busy at the last minute and getting rather annoyed at Amazon for charging stuff to my expired card which meant instead of arriving today it hasn't even been posted yet. Ho Hum.
Yeah, I do like their new slogan "The biggest selection on Earth" it's just a shame about the staff and the clunky website.