@epyk tagged me in a blog that now, I am interested in doing!
Here's to help you get to know what kind of person I am <3
1.) What's the last thing you put in your mouth?
Hmmm does this include food?
If so... Homemade chicken enchiladas.
If not my invisible aligners.
2.) Where was your profile picture taken?
Chicago <3
It's a behind the scene shot when Lady was shooting my next SG set for me the morning after the SG Christmas party!
3.) Worst physical pain you've had?
Oh jeez this is a hard one. The worst pain I've ever been in is when I had horrendously severe eczema on 95% of both my hands to the point that if I didn't put lotion on every 30 mins my hands would crack and bleed with any movement.
My dad had this hand cream called "working hands" and for those of you who don't know what it is. IT'S FUCKING HELL IN A HAND CREAM! It's for moderate to severe cracking of rough hands and fingers. NOTHING worked for my eczema for more than two weeks at a time, SO in a desperate attempt to get relief I globed a bunch of that in my hand and rubbed it in vigorously until I felt like I just sanded all the skin off my hands and rubbed ghost pepper pickled ghost peppers all over my hand.
4.) Favorite place you've been?
My favorite place would have to be up north. There is nothing like watching the sun set on a great lake that you can't see the other side of. waking up to go look straight into a 40 foot deep natural spring and see every fish straight to the bottom. It was amazing.
5.) How late did you stay up last night?
I think 9pm. I like to get into bed no later than 9 because of how physically demanding my new job is... waking up at 5:30 am everyday is also a factor haha
6.) If you could move somewhere else where would it be?
Realistically I would move a few cities over to Wyandotte. It is such a beautiful little city off the Detroit river. I'd like to have the River in my back yard! The city also has its own cable and wifi contracts and I heard they were pretty snazzy for a good price too!
Fantasy life would deff be in south eastern Ireland. It's always been my dream to end up in Ireland.
7.) Last vacation?
My last actual vacation was New York! I skateboarded all over New York and saw a lot of amazing people, places and food! didn't get to eat much of it though haha.
8.) When was the last time you've cried?
The last time I cried was yesterday afternoon. They were tears of joy because I got my first car back on the road and it's on it's way to becoming a show cruiser. All I have left to do it the body work on it, paint and interior touch ups and I'll have myself a summer cruiser!
9.) Who took your profile picture?
My boyfriend Nick <3 @lady was taking pictures of me during this shot though (;
10.) Something frivolous you'd like to own?
I'd really like a life size card board cut out of David Tennant as the 10th Dr.
That is all I want.
11.) Whats your favorite season?
Seasons are a hard one as well... I'd have to say fall is my favorite season. Fall is the season of love.
12.) If you could have any career?
If I could have any career, I wouldn't hesitate at all when I say sloth caretaker.
I've loved sloths ever since I knew what they were. On of the best days of my life was when I got a picture with one. Now come to find out there is a sloth exhibit 50 mins south of me that will let you feed and pet them. I want to go in July for my birthday and then move 5 miles away from it so I could go there all the time.
13.) What was the last book you read?
I'm in the middle of a magazine about Charles Manson, his family and about 5 other serial killer masterminds. It's not a book or finished but I thing it still counts haha.
14.) If you could talk to anyone who would it be?
Paul McCartney. Hands down. There is too much content to this subject so I can't possibly explain any of it right here.
But he played a very big part in my development.
15.) Are you a good influence?
For the most part I'm a pretty good influence when I need to be. I'm also crazy as hell.
16.) Does pineapple belong on pizza?
Yes. It's not the worst thing I've seen get sprinkled over saucy bread.
17.) You have the remote, what channel do you choose?
Cartoon network or adult swim. There's almost always either spongebob or family guy playing
18.) Two people who you think will do this?
@elaena and @aerie
19.) Last concert you attended?
I watched this fat guy dance and sing to his boom box at the gas station on warren and cass while the light was red. Does that count?
20.) Favorite type of food?
It's a tie between Japanese, Mexican and Chinese. Sushi, burritos, and buffet.
Thanks for reading! Let me know some of your answers in the comments!
@rambo @missy <3