It's been way too long, but after much grieving, much thought, and a much needed rest from the online world (aka I had a virus on BOTH computers), I have RETURNED!
Not that anyone really noticed that I was gone or anything.
Anyhow, I've found myself immeresed in books as of late. In the last two weeks, I've read a book called "Blood Brothers," about two twins hunting down and killing a race of superior vampires; a Dean Koontz novel which only held me book bound for all of an afternoon; and now I am reading "The Picture of Dorian Grey," from the masterfully witty Oscar Wilde.
Oh yeah, did I mention I quit drinking all of a sudden?
Not that anyone really noticed that I was gone or anything.
Anyhow, I've found myself immeresed in books as of late. In the last two weeks, I've read a book called "Blood Brothers," about two twins hunting down and killing a race of superior vampires; a Dean Koontz novel which only held me book bound for all of an afternoon; and now I am reading "The Picture of Dorian Grey," from the masterfully witty Oscar Wilde.
Oh yeah, did I mention I quit drinking all of a sudden?