Let me finish my strong cup of tea and I'll tell you about it ;0)

Ahhhhh much better.
Are you sitting comfortably? Then I'll begin, Who here has been to Detroit? Well despite what you've heard Detroit isn't as scary as you might think. Some areas are bad some are good. its All about reputation, I grew up near Glasgow in Scotland whenever people here that the reaction is usually something along the lines of "oooh Scotland, so peaceful, so idyllic" yeah it is in places and in others down right nasty and infectious.
So if we can all just pretend that when I say Detroit you hear Scotland.
Ok back to the blog, the show "Summer Burlesque showcase" was being held at the Corktown tavern which is located just outside of Downtown Detroit (think Scotland, see how that works ;0). The general area is going through various stages of urban renewal (basically a lot of old buildings have been removed and there is a lot of empty space). Its on US12 (Michigan ave) which starts in Detroit and ends way up in Washington state. Anything on US 12 is super simple to get to and you don't need to go through any scary parts of Scotland (Detroit, Ha I'm messing with your mind now) to get there.
Basically the bar is the first floor, on the second is where the performance area is.
The show started late but I did get a seat not only a seat but a seat in right by the stage (and the speakers).
Performers had to come on stage using the emergency exit
Lushes LaMoan was the MC for the night doing a great job keeping the crowd going. Low light plus an Iphone does not make for great photos. First up where the Hells Bells Girlie Revue with Sassy Katt opening dressed as a cat
Then came the Detroit Dizzy Dames followed by Hayley Jane.
each performer of the took the stage in full costume and did there act to a lot of whooping and hollering ending up topless with pasties on each nipple. Oh the costumes where a hoot. Let see there was a Cat, a primitive (cave woman),
a school teacher (oh the things she could do with a hula hoop could make a grown man cry... )
fan dancer,
Seven veils,
Flower garden (yeah use your imagination ;0),
Lucha libre wrestler,
a clown
and I'm not kidding a cockroach..
There where other costumes but the beer... you know fussy and all that ;0)
The band came on last "Thee Swank Bastards" a surf rock group, normally surf rock isn't quite what I'm into
but they do have Szandora a cute hula hoop dancer
and when she took her top off and jumped up and down on stage I was paying a lot of attention..
Some personal high lights from the show, the clown started off by making a green balloon animal penis and gave it away. then mid way through her set she lay down on the stage and removed her hoop clown pants to show a huge erect pink balloon penis that had been hidden all this time. That balloon penis she gave to me ;0) so for the rest of the night the balloon penis vibrated around on the table in time with the music from the speakers.
I also won $44 in the 50/50 raffle so that's not bad either
Awesome SHOW can't wait for the next one ;0)