Just spent a couple of hours going through my friends list to see who's still around and such
Right now I have 85 people on my friends list of that
10% are guys
90% are gals
70% have posted within the last 3 months
60% are have active SG accounts.
There have been a number of news stories saying 150 is the magical number for the amount of friends your brain can truly track and interact with. So I guess I still have room ;0)
Now that I'm back from my hiatus I think I'll start going around the active friends to see if they still remember me ;0) and if they don't I'll reintroduce myself.
150 friends limit news story from way back
Right now I have 85 people on my friends list of that
10% are guys
90% are gals
70% have posted within the last 3 months
60% are have active SG accounts.
There have been a number of news stories saying 150 is the magical number for the amount of friends your brain can truly track and interact with. So I guess I still have room ;0)
Now that I'm back from my hiatus I think I'll start going around the active friends to see if they still remember me ;0) and if they don't I'll reintroduce myself.
150 friends limit news story from way back
That comment bug in SG mobile is going to get me in trouble one of these days
okey then