hey i saw larry when i was driving to SFO over the Golden Gate bridge-he was driving a navy VW or something like.
got's no reception on my baby phone, yo! i so wish. i'm carving out the stomach to put my cel fone in,dammit.
i just met the coolest peach crested cockatiel and her owner was a pirate. she drooled on my arm, and kept liking my scar on my shoulder.
my elbows are better but are damn black-blue ugly. no pain, just uglies. dogs. my cursed dogs.
got's no reception on my baby phone, yo! i so wish. i'm carving out the stomach to put my cel fone in,dammit.
i just met the coolest peach crested cockatiel and her owner was a pirate. she drooled on my arm, and kept liking my scar on my shoulder.
my elbows are better but are damn black-blue ugly. no pain, just uglies. dogs. my cursed dogs.