So where to begin but here I guess or maybe here,,,
Well since moving from the city of wellington much has occured.
I ran a screenprinting brand , but soon it ran me so I decided it was time to move on.
I was in sales and marketing in Auckland city and travelled the world and saw and indulged in a mini wolf on wall street.
Soon my Father got unwell, so I moved home and became a barman in my hometown.
My Father passed away after a ten year fight with cancer and then when the time seemed right
I have now moved to another city/town New Plymouth, where I am currently working
out what to do next. But the main thing is , now I am moving forward.
But hey why not enjoy the sight along the way of your journey.
And make sure you have a bit of Fu Manchu playing on your car stereo
whilst driving your old school Mercedes abroad.
Well I guess what i'm saying is, we have choices in this world and I'm enjoying the ride.