Wednesday Jun 30, 2004 Jun 29, 2004 0 Facebook Tweet Email VIEW 23 of 23 COMMENTS anarchick: Eeep I accidentaly deleted you from my friends list, apologies. Stupid confusing site- or maybe I'm just dumb. Oh god, if I did one of those posts it'd take forver, I might do one to show all the different hair colours I've had. That'd be interesting!! Jul 1, 2004 lilmissmorbid: hahahaha sure so long as you hook me up proper and occasionaly you smoke me like a crack pipe. We can get tips from crackles on how to properly smoke up. be on after I write back to peeps Howd ya sleep ? Jul 1, 2004
Oh god, if I did one of those posts it'd take forver, I might do one to show all the different hair colours I've had. That'd be interesting!!
We can get tips from crackles on how to properly smoke up.