Going to Rome on Saturday, if this crank ass weather manages to hold out.....I think we had everything but snow yesterday, including a typhoon.

The tape worm has kicked it into overdrive, this weekend he will be having a Pampered Chef Party. Fuck I tried to talk him out of it but the shitball he is, is sending me out for the oldest bottle of wine the Vatican has stored.....little does he know that I am peeing in a bottle of grape juice, adding some sod (to mimick the barrel) and Wa-la vintage wine sadistica! I even thought of adding a weevil to add to the authienticity.

Meet Larry.....his formal invitations to you are in the mail.....(god he's an asshat)
and of course I will be there...the cynical host.......
I really miss Wal-mart......and spicy corn chips

i hadn't thought about the tissue...that's a very good idea