oh lala thursday!
that means that the weekend is starting. i've been longing for this weekend for so so long.
here's why:
friday! Palcode is in town again, playing with his band
so an sg meeting in mandatory. then,
saturday! early birthday shopping spree with mom, that will include buying new lingerie, furry boots, american apparel stuff and eating at the California Bakery, plus at night, Blessed by a Broken Heart gig!
i can't wait to dance like there's no tomorrow! i think i deserve some hardcore partying.
i want to drink, have fun and spin around, make out with barely legal br00t4l boys (lol) and overall tear down the place. ahah beware world, i'm coming.
gotta go to my depressing job now|
that means that the weekend is starting. i've been longing for this weekend for so so long.
here's why:
friday! Palcode is in town again, playing with his band
so an sg meeting in mandatory. then,
saturday! early birthday shopping spree with mom, that will include buying new lingerie, furry boots, american apparel stuff and eating at the California Bakery, plus at night, Blessed by a Broken Heart gig!
i can't wait to dance like there's no tomorrow! i think i deserve some hardcore partying.
i want to drink, have fun and spin around, make out with barely legal br00t4l boys (lol) and overall tear down the place. ahah beware world, i'm coming.
gotta go to my depressing job now|
TicketOne ha rotto le palle fino a ieri e non sono ancora riuscito a prendere il biglietto(continua a darmi errori in ogni cazzo di pagina che apro ), allorche' mi son detto "vabbe' lo prendero' al concerto, sperando che non sia gia' sold-out". Ho fatto i conti senza l'oste, e soprattutto senza la moglie del mio collega che si deve operare proprio il giorno dopo il concerto. Quindi, per concludere, sono impossibilitato a prendere ferie perche' se non ci sono io poi si ferma il reparto
Mi vien da bestemmiare a nastro