frostbitten - trve kvlt

woo wee, on friday i'm leaving for the seaside. it's going to be a weekend full of music, sea and friends. and don't forget the piadina romanila.
don't forget to check wifey's set: Erzsebet: Perfect Exceeder

and of course my set is still sitting in MR: Dalila: Fear of the Fluo
come on sg land, buy those sets, we need a washing machine for our house.
and stil, we'll be selling prints of both sets. and from my lomography. so please tell us what do you think.

woo wee, on friday i'm leaving for the seaside. it's going to be a weekend full of music, sea and friends. and don't forget the piadina romanila.
don't forget to check wifey's set: Erzsebet: Perfect Exceeder

and of course my set is still sitting in MR: Dalila: Fear of the Fluo
come on sg land, buy those sets, we need a washing machine for our house.
and stil, we'll be selling prints of both sets. and from my lomography. so please tell us what do you think.
grazie mille del commento cara...sono sempre stata negata con la fotografia e questa diciamo che stata una prova...prossimo mese se ce la facciamo inviamo quello che Albertine mi ha scattato a dicembre..sperem