the housewarming/birthday party went pretty well! and everybody was drunk. you know. i guess i've put vodka on every piece of fruit i've frozen, and prosecco wine was flowing like rivers.
NicotineFlavour was drunk. Luchino was drunk. danidani was drunk. Blind_Samurai got drunk. everybody was drunk. i mean. even Shenni was drunk and she wasn't even there.
i still think i could cry campari.
there are pics, and they are hidden under a spoiler because they are, in fact, hideous.
so hideous i forgot i took them.
and still i haven't moved in my new house. from the day i'll have teh interwebz there (that is: next tuesday) i'll be able to pack all my stuff and leave. meh.
parents' got the A.C. they've got teh interwebz. and moving without one single day off work is... no. no. i'm not going to make it.
oh well. there's lots things i can't do in those days. i wish i can do it all.
and of course, no pictures of anything. it was too hot and i was too wasted to take one single picture. oh hei, serving sticks of frozen fruit is hard.
well, in the meantime while i try to settle down and start to take pictures again you can take a look at the 8th chapter of the catalan invasion of doom:
and holgas of the gig:
still going alive and kicking.
NicotineFlavour is hosting a kiddie pool party on saturday afternoon. the first who gets drunk and drowns in the kiddie pool, has lost. there will be plenty of golden bikinis, rayban glasses, palestini colorati and alcohol. whoo. such a new.
you're invited, but you need to find out first where the bubcaverna is.
well, good luck, i'm going to stare at the cieling now!
poi ti dir le mie opinioni sulle *altre foto* che mi hai mandato, ora sto morendo e non ce la fo. cmq mi son piaciute e non ho visto budelli.
i video spaccano, io sono imbarazzante, dimmi che, quel famoso pomeriggio al tavolino del bar in quella piazza di cui mi sfugge il nome, non ho guardato lo zio con quegli occhi per tutto il tempo. diosanto, uahahahahahhahah XD