watch me work it, i'm perfect
so i passed that goddamned test. 20/30, it sucks, but oh-hey, one less exam towards my degree.
and yes, what about our performance with Andead in Pinarella di Cervia?
the usual stuff. lots of highways, lost in the fog, pop music in the van and various chats.
then the show:
Erzsebet, Shenni and I had a blast, and the band too... that was fun, definitely.
videos time!
Palcode feeds Erzsebet xd
and this one can be understood by italians only, and not even everyone!
Palcode is a bit of our hero
then. yesterday i've been to Slomotion Apocalypse's gig, i loved it. sure that's metal, not that half assed fringe-tightpants-brootal metal!
gh i love their tee. and beware i took some pics, so expect a band lomography update soon! and next week i'll be heading to another festival, so i can't wait.
i'm also kind of sick. i've got cough. urgh. gotta heal.
that's all for now...
so i passed that goddamned test. 20/30, it sucks, but oh-hey, one less exam towards my degree.
and yes, what about our performance with Andead in Pinarella di Cervia?
the usual stuff. lots of highways, lost in the fog, pop music in the van and various chats.
then the show:

Erzsebet, Shenni and I had a blast, and the band too... that was fun, definitely.
videos time!
Palcode feeds Erzsebet xd
and this one can be understood by italians only, and not even everyone!
Palcode is a bit of our hero

then. yesterday i've been to Slomotion Apocalypse's gig, i loved it. sure that's metal, not that half assed fringe-tightpants-brootal metal!

gh i love their tee. and beware i took some pics, so expect a band lomography update soon! and next week i'll be heading to another festival, so i can't wait.
i'm also kind of sick. i've got cough. urgh. gotta heal.
that's all for now...
It seems that you had great time!
You all ROCK! Yay!!!
Miss you!
Dai, un'esame in meno sempre un'esame in meno, no? Fattelo dire da uno che l'universit non sa nemmeno cosa sia(asp, ci sono stato una volta... ah s, alla laurea di mia sorella, come visitatore di un luogo di cui io manco dovevo solcare l'ingresso
Per la precisione, io del secondo video gi quando usc non c'avevo capito nulla. Urge trovare un traduttore simultaneo