So as most of you know, you know that i am a horror movie freak. well i finally got 3 out of the 8 movies from the After Dark Horrorfest. so I'm going to tell all of you what i thought of the 3 that i have watched. The Hamiltons-- was good not so much a horror movie as it is a creepy story id give it a B+. they do leave you hanging there in the movie for a while but it all turns out in the end. The Gravedancers-- was really goos it actually creep me out, the dead peoples faces were just flat out creepy, id give that one a A-. and the last one that i have watched so far was Dark Ride-- that one was pretty good it was alot like the old movie Fun House from the 70's or 80's. but it did take a kinda little twist at the end for those who dont watch many horror it will leave you questioning. ya so i will be buying the rest soon all that is out is 7 right now cause theres one in the theater still. but ya so i thought id jsut post cause i have been waiting for these movies for about a year. the next After Dark Horrorfest is in July this year. i hope theres another run of 8 great movies and i hope that i get to go this year. well thats about all i have to post so ill leave you all with that
take care everyone
love you all
take care everyone
love you all

Awesome! Wish I could watch em with ya.