i hate migranes they are the worst. ive been in bed all damn day cause i cant even sit up with out throwing up. nad hten on top of it all i found out something today that makes me so upset i just want to cry. my uncle (the one who was married to my aunt who died not to long ago) well hes having a hard enough time with out her adn wel his brother andy stole from him last month and ran off on him (oh btw he owns his own shop for cars that andy worked at as well) and so hes been out a worker for that then another one got real sick and was forced to leave and now today his secretery up adn quits on him with no notice. and shes the one that worked for him that i never thoguth would ever do that to him. the wost part of the whoel thing is they all know how fucking hard life has been for him since my aunt died. HOW CAN PEOPLE BE SO FUCKNG SHITTY?? why do they wnat to be that way. i mena my uncle is prob one of the nicest people anyone would meet he would give his life to a god damn stranger, why would you want to hurt someone like that? god i hate people sometimes i mean really fucking hate them.
on a postive note i havent been sick once this winter which is a first in my WHOLE LIFE, ive never gona a winter without spending mostof it sick with the flu or somehtng like that.
oh and sory if this post is hard to read but my head hurts to dman bad to make it more readable
but im gonna leave it at that so
take care all i love you
on a postive note i havent been sick once this winter which is a first in my WHOLE LIFE, ive never gona a winter without spending mostof it sick with the flu or somehtng like that.
oh and sory if this post is hard to read but my head hurts to dman bad to make it more readable

but im gonna leave it at that so
take care all i love you

Sorry to hear about all the shit happening to your Uncle too. I hope he finds some good folks to replace the ones that took off on him.