looks like every one in my Family made it out of the Earthquake 's in Cal thats good news
I think SG has strayed from the format of what it was all about too many are getting the SG over others that have the tats and modification's lets get back to what we clam to be cut and run but SG is Lost Focus get back to what it was or you will just be lost

I will put this out one more time some one out in SG knos some one at some level that can help make this get off the ground so one more time I put this out in to the world hope some one gets back to me soon
The Eldora Center of Healing
Disclaimer: These are the beginnings of a list of ideas for the...
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The Eldora Center of Healing
Disclaimer: These are the beginnings of a list of ideas for the...
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Its funny that only just 1 out of 10 are making the mark for this site but the put every one on it go fig most are not hot you may be a woman but not SG why put your self out on the web if your not hot go fig
http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=zQF9kpwupeU love that song its great
Thanks for the kind words, I really appreciate it!
If you put your self out on this site some one will say some thing get over your self POSH go fig

Sorry All I had a very bad day the other day but its nice to know even I have a bad day
Hmm... now I am suspicious of you. I might decide to throw mental curses your way just to have my bases covered
. And sorry you had a bad day

it took me 47 yrs but I GET IT no one likes the Mr nice dud thing So I will be a Big Ass like you all like dam Have a great day

George Carlin dies at 71
Oh my do we know what we lost ? I do
Oh my do we know what we lost ? I do
Franny - Waiting