Its funny to night so many are going out to drink and have a so call good time. The true meaning will by pass them how many will find a calm place to sit and talk with the dead and find new beginnings skull skull skull skull
love love love love
are you inlove??? kiss kiss
I could be smile
I came to this site for the art 3 yrs ago but what I read on this site on a daily bases is hart troubling for me so many young ladies are living with so many depressing things going on and I see if we all could work together as one we all could have so much more but it would seem every one would...
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Thank you for your kind words. I hope that we can be friends. smile
Why does it matter that we have a B-Day any way ? it just shows us what we did not get last yr and how far behind we are this yr and because we never work together we all keep sliding down the big ass hole in the ground any way I was just thinking about that have a nice day love love love love love love love
they aren't rude to me at all...they are rude to each other.

if you would read some of the things posted, i bet you money that you would immediately cancel your membership. it's no small matter, trust me.
Drinking is not the problem but a symptom of a much larger problem that you may have in your life look deep in to your self and be truthful with yourself this may take some time but I think you will see what it is with in you that makes you do the things you do and get the tools toy need to get over...
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thank you.
We have an epidemic in America today

We have thousands of American families becoming displaced from are community ranks every year and added to the homeless ranks. We have government agencies vigorously attacking families and removing their children from parents with little hope of them ever returning home.

Yes it is all so true that in the group of families that find there lives turned...
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in both of our countries, governments seem to have the same problems: the rich ones are getting richer and the poor ones poorer... puke
I am working to chang it in the USA hope that some day it could help other countries all so
I was thinking have we seen all the candy layouts by now? its been done lets move on thats just me thinking love love love love love love love love love
smile I just went down form over 500 to about 200... it's gonna be easier now! biggrin
Sorry you asked ages ago who it was in the stripy outfit, it is xx_river_xx
Well its September yet again soon I will be another Yr. older and I would like to think some what wiser as well. I have helped out four family's to get back on there feet this yr. all so. One day I would like to be able to help more then that I am working hard to make that happen. The dream keeps me going....
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Well all it looks like I will be going to Europe some time after Feb 08 this is going to be just so fun any one on my list hope to see you at some point would like to get to know every one and write a story of the trip it will be great take care all hope to see you all on the...
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Socks jock strap and a top hat, thats an interesting oufit, id love to see it.
Your going to have to find your way to cambridge on your european tour!! kiss
Oh to live to the day when you ladies truly take the power and run with it will be truly a great day I can only hope .. smile smile smile smile smile
Thats ok hun, 5am is way too early!!!
I am looking for any contact info for Sir Richard Branson for a business idea hope some one can help thanks

Only great minds can read this

This is weird, but interesting!

fi yuo cna raed tihs, yuo hvae a sgtrane mnid too

Cna yuo raed tihs? Olny 55 plepoe out of 100 can.

i cdnuolt blveiee taht I cluod aulaclty uesdnatnrd waht I was rdanieg. The phaonmneal pweor of the hmuan mnid, aoccdrnig to a rscheearch at Cmabrigde Uinervtisy, it dseno't mtaetr in waht oerdr...
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