Really shoudl've done this last night, but i feel asleep, which isn't really a bad thing, seeing as how i had to get up at 5 this morning to catch the bus to work cause my roommate is out of town for some family thing and can't gie me a ride. Yay for family, or something. Just nto mine. My family is pretty shitty to...
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Since I'm hardly in the mood to write anythign cheery, but am trying to get into the habbit of writing something everyday, i leave you witht he following words.

I hate everyone, but especialy the mormons.
You don't want to write Cherry? Cherry Poptart is the best comic book character E-V-E-R.......oh wait you said C-h-e-e-r-y.....that's two e's and one r. Oopsie

Hades love
So i think i'm gonna work on this whole posting thing one day at a time, as it seems to be the best way to go about things like, you know, writing, drinking, smoking, not drinking, not smoking, etc, etc. So i'll start with work, cause most people work, and its pretty easy to write about, what with me doing it everyday.

But talking about...
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So I finaly broke down and got my own account. I've been meaning to for a while, but its rare when the will and the money come together at the same time. But they have now, so its all good. Wow, been a coupe of years since i first heard of this place on seanbaby.com, really should've done this sooner. Which is exactly what a...
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This is one of your friends speaking and no, really we do care. YOU WILL POST HERE OR DI(et).

Those are your choices.

I'm just saying is all wink Welcome aboard and have fun biggrin

Hades love
Bobo ooo aaa