Good news and bad news tonight. First, some bad news, I missed smallville. again. fuck. now, some good news, my team won the trivia contest tonight at the George and Dragon on central and indian. (for those fo you who don't live in phoenix, its a local english style pub.) and yet more bad news. I read Infinite Crisis #1. WTF is DC thinking, as...
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You better believe I'm trying to get my melancholy dark arse into that show. Best of all it's only a couple of miles away right off the 101 and Glendale road!!!
Depeche Mode November 25, just 3 days before my 33 birthday. How is that for serendipity eh?
I want to go see Combichrist tonight. All i need is to deposite my check, and get some money, and it'll be all about the angry gwerman industrial sound. Or I hope so anyway, who knows what will happen.
I lost my wallent this morning. I never realized how much of a person is wrapped up in the ability to prove who you say you are.
Its a humbling thought to know your entire life can exist in a small pouch of leather generally carried in your back pocket
The taste of her lips on mine, the spell of her hair, the feel of her bare skin under my hands. I can't help but think that this was a great fucking night for me personaly. I hope it worked out for the rest of you as well.
Well, well my young student it would appear you did have a great night. Here's hoping you have a great many more to follow biggrin

Now, did someone say bar the other day.......The weekend is upon us, time to wreck shit, er I mean, "Have good wholesome family style fun"

Yeah Manson family style......

Hades love
I just got back from the Fluff Girls show in phoenix (which is where i live) I have to say, i had an awesome time, especialy Angela Ryan's sets. Course, i found out about it throguh here myspace profile, but still, was a blast. Too bad the people in phoenix suck or maybe we would've had a decent turnout. The dick with the camera's didn't...
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i bored, people shoudl dance to entertain me, or something. Its too late to think of anythign worth saying, but i feel like i should put something, so there is a thought. maybe tomarrow i will have somethign to acualy say, but no promices

Thankyou for your comment on my set! biggrin
I just finished reading 7 issues of Conan. well, 4 issues of Conan plus the 3 part mini 'Conan and the Jewles of Gwahlur" and i can't help but think, god damn, Conan is the shit. Seriously, nothing better than a guy running around murdering people for money, booze and women, would that you coudl still do it, everythign is so much more complicated now....
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after getting back from george and dragon, i realize that being without sux. at least its only one more day of work, and then a 3 day weekend. someone is bound to have something planned.

A show sounds like a nice well rounded way to get my mind off of things. Well rounded - I kill me.

Seriously though talking to my dad last night only 11 people for sure aren't in New Orleans right now and one person that we've heard from who is still in New Orleans wasn't allowed to leave because he works for the city water department. So far those 12 are the only people out of 5 generations of my family that are accounted for. The waiting is getting tiring.
Its funny, some parts of my new job are great, mostly the pay and the very laid back atmosphere. Getting sick because one of your co-workers is too stupid to stay home till she's not contagious anymore, thats not so great. puke Which is why i am here, at 2 inthe afternoon instead of at work making the monies. Because I caught her cold, and spent...
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I'm going to lunch with my mother today, wish me luck, if you so feel the need

Wow best of luck on that one......Do drop me a line and let me know how THAT worked out.......................

Oh by-the-by I am phoneless until the local gestapo comes round and does a service call on the house line so be sure to send me an email or catch me on messenger until further notice.

Best of the best and welcome to Monday,

Hades love