I just finished reading 7 issues of Conan. well, 4 issues of Conan plus the 3 part mini 'Conan and the Jewles of Gwahlur" and i can't help but think, god damn, Conan is the shit. Seriously, nothing better than a guy running around murdering people for money, booze and women, would that you coudl still do it, everythign is so much more complicated now. It makes me sad. Oh well, I'll get over it...
More Blogs
Thursday Oct 13, 2005
Good news and bad news tonight. First, some bad news, I missed small… -
Saturday Oct 08, 2005
I want to go see Combichrist tonight. All i need is to deposite my c… -
Friday Sep 30, 2005
I lost my wallent this morning. I never realized how much of a person… -
Friday Sep 16, 2005
The taste of her lips on mine, the spell of her hair, the feel of her… -
Thursday Sep 15, 2005
I just got back from the Fluff Girls show in phoenix (which is where … -
Wednesday Sep 07, 2005
i bored, people shoudl dance to entertain me, or something. Its too … -
Monday Sep 05, 2005
I just finished reading 7 issues of Conan. well, 4 issues of Conan pl… -
Thursday Sep 01, 2005
after getting back from george and dragon, i realize that being witho… -
Thursday Aug 25, 2005
Its funny, some parts of my new job are great, mostly the pay and the… -
Sunday Aug 21, 2005
I'm going to lunch with my mother today, wish me luck, if you so feel…