i never use this thing, what a waste of $30, i don't even look at the older pic sets, cause all of the ones that i like were taken down. fuck it
anyone who can name one, single, redeeming quality of religion in our modern life can have a cookie. I'm so optimistic that i bought 2.
Shocking, I am returned. Cause it was cheap. Thats really it. Maybe I would enjoy this place more if i was more active, but, I just couldn't hold my attention. Maybe it will this time. Who knows.
I never use this thing, hell, i often forget about the site. Which is sad, i had some much love for this place at some point, but its slowly faiding away. Well, not slowly really, its pretty much gone at this point. Oh well. I'd say I'll miss it when my subcription expires, but i doubt i will
I made someone cry today, my mother would be proud
Happy Birthday!!

(hades made me do it!)

(hades made me do it!)

Drifter made me a picture, isn't it sexy? Too bad he made one for some chick first, but mines better.
do i hurt people because i don't like them or because i want them to feel as bad as i do. Or do i just get a kick out of other peoples pain, and a bigger kick when i cause it, and make it worse.
bitter bitter bitter bitter, thats all that I am and all that I shall ever be.
quit being so bitter, mr. bitter boy
I find myself less and less interested in this site, mostly because of the changes that have happened. Now, I've not been here long, but I've lurked around it for a couple of years (thank you seanbaby) and i thought it was really cool, not just the pictures,but the idea of building a community around it. But it seems so much less now, both because...
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I remember when all i had to do to make myself happy was to come home and watch some cartoons. Thats totaly not the case anymore. Now it takes beer. Lots fo beer. For healing, and talking, and spewing venom. Mostly spewing venom. Even if the person doens't deserve it...
Good news and bad news tonight. First, some bad news, I missed smallville. again. fuck. now, some good news, my team won the trivia contest tonight at the George and Dragon on central and indian. (for those fo you who don't live in phoenix, its a local english style pub.) and yet more bad news. I read Infinite Crisis #1. WTF is DC thinking, as...
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You better believe I'm trying to get my melancholy dark arse into that show. Best of all it's only a couple of miles away right off the 101 and Glendale road!!!
Depeche Mode November 25, just 3 days before my 33 birthday. How is that for serendipity eh?
I want to go see Combichrist tonight. All i need is to deposite my check, and get some money, and it'll be all about the angry gwerman industrial sound. Or I hope so anyway, who knows what will happen.