Okay so I realize that I have not been around much at all lately and I apoligize but with school and work things have been crazy. So where to start where to start... I started dating someone back in August, he is an amazing a guy and things are starting to get serious. There was a small fire at my apartment but thankfully nothing was destoyed but I am still gettting some laundry done from that. Lets see what else...... Oh my cat Daisy is getting soooo big she is only six months and can't even fit in the bathroom sink any more. It is kinda funny though when she does try it since she doesn't fit but she tries so hard to. So school is all most over and I am excited welll besides the finals part which is going to suck big time but hey that's the way the cookie crumbles. ummmmm hmmmmm Oh so I started doing some modeling for firgure drawing classes. I love it soooo much I wish that I could work more then I do right now with it but since I have school and another job it really doesn't work out that way. Well I am not sure that anyhing really interesting has happened to me lately but if I remember anyhting then I will let y'all know. Hope that all of you are doing good and have a great Turkey Day. Love y'all
Thanks for the comment on my new Purple set!