So it has been awhile since I have posted anything and said hi to everyone so I figured I should. Well to catch everyone up to speed I am full blown single now after a messy thing with an old ex of mine. It was a mistake and I knew it was going to end bad because he coudln't stand the fact that I was living 45 minutes away from him. But I guess you would say it was for the best because I am mostly loving being single. Lets see what else what else ..... just came back from spring break which wasn't all to exciting because all I really did was work my ass of the whole time because I am broke beyond broke right about now and I have to finish paying for school by the end of next week. I did however finally get everything settled for my new place and I am going to be moving in May 15th with one of my three roommates and the other two will be moving in in August. Finally I'll be fully on my own besides paying for part of school which my dad does help me with. But yeah just basically passing the days with school and work counting the very few days that are left till the end of this semster. Hope everyone is doing well. Luv y'alll
All work and no play just sucks.
Glad to hear from ya'.
honestly it could have been worse I guess, plus none of my friends at home wanted to see me anyways so I guess it was for the best.