Morning everyone. I have decided that boys just drive me fucking crazy. I wish that I knew why it seems that once you can't have someone you want them. I don't know it seems that that is the story ofmy life lately. So I finally started talking to this awesome guy and it was really perfect casue he was just going to be around for...
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So I finally move into the new apartmant this weekend and and settling in quite nicely. My cat after about a day of being unsure of what was going on has settled into the new place as well. That and I have a brand new pillow top bed that I am in love with and I am not sure if I ever want to leave...
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We've been having Karaoke parties every Saturday night at the Canary Roost at Stonelake and Metric. If you're interested me, PixelSuicide, Admiral_Pants, AxisOfPudding, and a few others should be there. Come hang out with us at least! Karaoke starts at 10 and goes until 2AM
Hey ya'll so I knwo I said I was going to try to write on here more often and I am truely trying but school is kicking my butt lately and on top of that my boss at work doesn't like me so I have been trying to find a new job which is hard to do in a college town.
So any ways I...
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So good morning everyone! I am kinda proud of my self I have decided that I am not going to deal with stupid drama from people anymore. I am just going to leave those alone who have been causing me to be sad. It sucks in a way because that means losing people whom I love and waiting to see if they decided to be...
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Okay so the first week in being single again was not so much fun. I am still trying to be friends with the ex whih isn't bad but it seems lately that he is the only friend that I have in town. I know that some of my other friends care but lately I have been all alone. I know that in a month that...
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So once again I seem to have dropped off the face of the earth. Dam I do that alot don't I. Well things have been very roller coaster like these past few weeks and I am beging to see that I really don't have many people left in my life that I can truely call a friend. It sucks to know that people can become...
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Okay so I realize that I have not been around much at all lately and I apoligize but with school and work things have been crazy. So where to start where to start... I started dating someone back in August, he is an amazing a guy and things are starting to get serious. There was a small fire at my apartment but thankfully nothing was...
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Thanks for the comment on my new Purple set! kiss

Okay so things have been kinda crazy around here by me. But some how I have found the time to get on and let y'all know what is going on. Well finally got a date and yeah wasn't the best thing but it coudl have gone alot worse. I got a new tat and piercing about 2 weeks ago and they are both awesome. I...
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Well I like your tats - they all look great!!
Okay so once again I have fallen behind on updating again but I promise that I am going to get better at it now that I have the time to. So where to start ...finally moved into my own place and I got everythign settled and moved in as of saturday. I am settled in and I just have to find things to put up...
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Good Evening everyone, hope y'all have all had a good day. I was siting here and thinking that I should update what is going on in my life. First off I am moving into a new place on Tuesday and I am fucking excited but I think that my friend who's trailer we were going to use has bailed and now I have to figure...
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HELL YEAH you should update! some of us have been wondering where you been lol. thats awesome that your getting a new place! sounds like your ex needs HIS ass beat..thats some messed up shit..good thing you got out of there when you did. AND hopefully the date goes good...have to give up some details lol