they took blood from me today. so next week i find out if the synthroid is working. i hope it's not, because i would like something else. this stuff makes me feel sicker.
the pirate got me THE SHIELD dvd (complete 1st season) on top of the 20million other things he got me for my birthday. i am so freaking excited. it's almost like porn for me, i'm that hot for michael chiklis. hee hee. :rubbing hands together:
hubbs and i are writing a comic book. it's fun. and it keeps us from killing each other. i knew we'd someday find a way to be good together.

the pirate got me THE SHIELD dvd (complete 1st season) on top of the 20million other things he got me for my birthday. i am so freaking excited. it's almost like porn for me, i'm that hot for michael chiklis. hee hee. :rubbing hands together:
hubbs and i are writing a comic book. it's fun. and it keeps us from killing each other. i knew we'd someday find a way to be good together.

No no no....I'm a dork
Your son is hella cute!!!