Well Christ on toast.... I can't seem to find a friend in this shithole that doesn't either want to use me or run my life.. So what is a girl to do? I will sit here on my ass and have my triple razz vodka and gatorade, and hope that by some miracle I have some decent conversation.. if I can't have buddies on the net what else do I have? haha. I must go to the store at some point and get a new pack of smokes.. better do it now before it gets too dark out. ~Sapphire
Well sweetie-I wrote you a message and I'm more than willing to talk decent, intelligent, fun conversation with you-whenever you want. So if you want to-just write me. I'd love to hear from you!
Yeesh.... sounds like you're having some bad days. I will just have to come down to J-ville and turn that around for you.